Top up your Crypto Wallet

Funding an account means adding cryptocurrency to your crypto wallet. This guide describes how to deposit funds into conventional crypto wallet and Avatar wallet.

3 ways to top up my wallet

Credit / Debit

Purchase the required cryptocurrency through a credit card company, PlaNFT currently supports ramp and wyre credit cards.

Bridge your asset

Transfer your tokens on the Polygon blockchain (excluding wrapped tokens) and tokens on the Ethereum blockchain (excluding wrapped tokens), PlaNFT support this function on the Polygon blockchain. For example, transfer your USDT on the Ethereum chain to the Polygon chain.

For example, the NFT you want to buy needs to be paid in Matic, you have ETH on the Ethereum chain, you can make offer in ETH, or you can transfer your ETH to the Polygon chain through bridge your assets, and then swap ETH to Matic.

Swap token

If you already have enough of one type of cryptocurrency in your crypto wallet, but there are cryptocurrencies, such as USDT, WETH, WMATIC, that you need but do not own, then you need to swap cryptocurrency A to cryptocurrency B. For example, The NFT you want to buy is on the Polygon chain, you need to hold a certain amount of Wmatic to buy it, and you only have Matic in your wallet, then you need to swap the Matic in your crypto wallet to Wmatic before you can buy this NFT.

Each blockchain will have its own native token and its wrapped tokens. Wrapped token allows you to trade directly with other alt tokens. The native tokens and wrapped tokens on each chain can be exchanged in an equal ratio of 1:1. Alt token refers to any type of cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. E.g:

  • The native token on the Ethereum chain is called ETH, and Weth is the wrapped token on the ETH chain.

  • The native token on the Polygon chain is called Matic, and Wmatic is the wrapped token on the Polygon chain.

How to fund avatar wallet on PlaNFT

You only need to fund your crypto wallet with the common crypto wallet as steps below.

Prerequisite: Connect your crypto wallet to PlaNFT. (Refer to crypto wallet.)

Passively top up your avatar wallet in the following 3 scenarios

When you connect avatar wallet to PlaNFT for the first transaction or when your wallet balance is insufficient for you to mint or buy NFT

Step 1: You will see the following page as shown below.

Step 2: Click Top Up to top up your wallet.

Step 3: Refer to Credit & Debit to fund your avatar wallet.

When your wallet balance is sufficient to buy NFT but not NFT+Gas fee

Step 1: You will see the following page as shown below.

Step 2: Click top up with creadit or debit card or Top up crypto wallet in others ways to fund your avatar wallet. (Refer to Credit & Debit.)

When your wallet balance meets your purchase of NFT+Gas fee

In this case, you can refer to Buy to buy the NFT you want. You will see the following page as shown below.

If you want to actively top up your wallet, refer to Actively top up your avatar wallet as below.

Actively top up your avatar wallet

Step 1: Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the PlaNFT webpage and go to My Wallet>Top up your crypto wallet.

Step 2: Refer to Credit & Debit to fund your avatar wallet.

How to fund conventional wallet on PlaNFT

Conventional crypto wallet such as metamask, you can choose any of the following ways to fund your crypto wallet.

Prerequisite: Connect your crypto wallet to PlaNFT. (Refer to crypto wallet.)

Passively top up your conventional wallet in the following 2 scenarios

Step 1: You will see the following page as shown below.

Step 2: Click Top Up to top up your wallet. You will see the following page as shown below.

Step 3: Refer to Credit & Debit to fund your conventional wallet.

Actively top up your conventional wallet

  • Fund directly in the crypto wallet, we take metamask as an example.

  • Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the PlaNFT webpage and go to My Wallet>Top up your crypto wallet. Top up your crypto wallet by any of the following ways.

Last updated