Subscription NFT

A subscription NFT is a time-limited membership club NFT. It is usually used for KOLs to issue NFTs for their membership clubs and to create telegram or discord-based fan clubs through NFTs. After fans subscribe to NFTs, they are verified by NFTs to join the clubs on the chain. If the NFT club exceeds the subscription time, it will automatically expire, and you need to re-subscribe the subscription NFT.

How do I create subscription NFT

Prerequisite: Connect your crypto wallet to PlaNFT. (Refer to crypto wallet.)

Create subscription NFT

Step 1: Select Create NFT>Subscription on the PlaNFT homepage, you will see the following page as shown below.

Step 2: Select the blockchain that you would like to mint subscription NFT on.

When choosing a chain you may need to do the following:

  1. If your crypto wallet does not add a corresponding chain, click approve and add the chain you need If you want to switch to a non-default chain of crypto wallet.

  2. If your crypto wallet is not on the chain you want to choose, you will be warned that please switch to a wallet that supports Polygon/ BNB / Ethereum network. Click switch to switch, and click switch network in the pop-up window to switch to the chain you want.

Step 3: Click Upload File to upload the image of your NFT(s).

Step 4: Fill out the Basic Information.

  • Choose Your Character : Click PlaNFT Member under choose your character, you can choose the NFT you own. If you have not created your own character creation on PlaNFT, you can click Character Creation, refer to Mint character creation NFT to mint your own avatar NFT.

  • Collection: You can customize the name of the NFT collection or Select a Collection. The collection you can choose are from NFT collections under the same contract address and NFT collections you created before.

  • NFT name:Customize the name of each NFT in your NFT collection, NFT name is unique. The name of each NFT in the NFT collection is: NFT name+token ID. For example, if the NFT name of the NFT collection you set is Hello, then the name of each NFT in the NFT collection is: Hello#token ID.

  • Amount to mint: Enter the number of NFT you want to mint in NFT collection, it can be 1 or N.

Every image of the NFT collection minted here is the same. If you want to mint an NFT collection with each NFT being a different picture, it is recommended that you use the method of issuing mystery box NFTs to batch mint NFTs of different pictures, so that the picture of each NFT can be customized, and it only needs to be minted once, which save you a lot of minting time and cost.

  • Default Group type: If you want your NFT buyers to join a Telegram or Discord on-chain club. Then you need to choose Telegram or Discord first so everyone who buys your NFT can join the same on-chain club. For how to connect your crypto wallet to telegram or discord before choosing, please refer to How do I connect my crypto wallet to discord or telegram.

The Default Group Type here is bound with the Collection above, that is, the type of club of the same NFT collection is the same. If you minted an NFT collection “A” before and selected Telegram as the on-chain club, the Default Group Type will be filled in Telegram automatically after you set the NFT collection to “A” while minting. The information filled in during the mint process, including group information, is bound and written into the contract. And it is uploaded to ipfs after the data is generated, the group link will always be valid.

Step 5: Set up Additional Information.

  • Subscription Period: KOLs can set the time period for the fans to subscribe to the subscription NFT by themselves. The fans need to pay for subscribing to the NFT again after this time period.

  • Payment Terms: Select token. Set the value of the corresponding token. This token value is the fans need to pay for subscribing to a single club.

  • Description: Figure out a sentence to introduce your NFT(s). Considering that the description is related to your NFTs promotion, it is recommended that you take it seriously.

  • Royalties: Ranges from 0.00% to 10.00%. The buyer will pay the fee, PlaNFT will return the corresponding token value of the royalties to the creator after the buyer pays for it.

Step 6: Click Mint.

Sign transactions with crypto wallet authorization

Step 7: If it is the first time to use the crypto wallet to trade, you need to complete the following authorizations in sequence.

  1. Click Confirm to authorize your crypto wallet address to the PlaNFT transaction agency contract. You need to pay a one-time gas fee during this process.

  2. Click Confirm to authorize your NFT to PlaNFT transaction contract.

  3. If the pending order currency is ERC20, you need to click Confirm once to authorize your ERC20 token. If it is a native token, this step is not required.

Step 8: Click Sign to confirm the transaction. You will see the following page as shown below after the transaction is successful.

Subscribe to Telegram bot to receive your NFT updates

Prerequisite: Connect your crypto wallet to Telegram. (Refer to How do I connect my crypto wallet to discord or telegram.)

Step 9: Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the PlaNFT webpage and go to My Wallet to find the NFT you want to subscribe to for updates.

Step 10: Click Listings & Offers>Subscribe, then click on the copy button under copy the parameters to copy the message.

Step 11: Click PlaNFT NFT Subscription, click Open telegram Desktop on the pop-up window to log in to your Telegram account and send the copied message to the PlaNFT Marketplace Bot.

How do I join the membership NFT club based on Telegram or Discord

Join the membership NFT club based on Telegram

For minters, please refer to Create NFT club based on Discord.

For buyers, please refer to Join NFT club based on Discord.

Join the membership NFT club based on Discord

For minters, please refer to Create NFT club based on Telegram.

For buyers, please refer to Join NFT club based on Telegram.

Last updated