Create NFT Club Based on Discord

Prerequisite: Connect your crypto wallet to PlaNFT. (Refer to crypto wallet.)

Step 1: Refer to Create and to select the NFT type you like to create.

Make sure:

  1. You have to connect your telegram to PlaNFT, if not, refer to How do I connect my discord or telegram account in PlaNFT.

  2. The social account you select during the Default Group Type in the mint process is the same as the social account you connected to PlaNFT.

Step 2: Optional, refer to Sell to sell if you want others who buy your NFT can join the same on-chain club.

Step 3: Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the PlaNFT webpage and go to My Wallet>My Clubs>Clubs I built.

Step 4: Find the clubs you built. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of your collection and select Create Clubs.

Step 5: You will receive group messages from the bot in Discord. The group name is an acronym for the name of your NFT collection. As you can see in the image below.

Step 6: Click PlaNFT bot>continue>Authorize, complete the verification that I am human and invite NFT_Room_Assistant_Bot into the group.

Step 7: Click on the group name in the top left corner of your Discord community and select Server Settings>Roles to create roles for your Discord community.

Last updated