Join NFT club Based on Telegram


  • The NFT club you want to join has been created and you have purchased it.

  • Refer to How do I connect my discord or telegram account in PlaNFT to connect your Telegram account in PlaNFT.

  • You will need to set Groups & channels to Everybody in Settings> Privacy and Security in Telegram.

Step 1: Click on your Profile Picture on the top right corner of the PlaNFT webpage and go to My Wallet>My Clubs>My Clubs.

Step 2: Click Join>Join Group>Request to join, click the alert message you received at the bottom right of your computer from Room assistant bot.

Step 3: Click verify your NFT, click Open, select your crypto wallet, click Sign, you will see the message "verification passed..." at the top of the page.

Step 4: Back to Telegram, you will see that you have successfully joined the group. The group name is the name of the NFT collection.

Last updated